March 6, 2023

Russian Pancakes

by deteam

Delicious russian pancakes 🥞


┃ yield — 2
  • 250ml buttermilk
  • 2 eggs
  • pich of salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 120g flour
  • 125ml boiling water


┃ ◕ — 25m

Batter & pancakes

  1. Mix buttermilk with the baking powder and set aside. Let em bubble! 🧋
  2. Boil125ml of water in a pot
  3. While the water is boiling, crack the eggs and whisk together with salt & sugar in a bowl until foamy
  4. Pour buttermilk into the bowl, add flour and mix well
  5. Water should be boiling by now, pick up the pot and pour little by little into the batter while mixing
  6. Get yourself a ladle and start making 'em pancakes 🥞 Cook with plenty of butter. 



Recommended toppings: salmon, caviar, sour cream, coriander, pickled mustard seeds, tabasco, honey, lemon.

© Maria Carrasco